Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Letter from Miso

 [From a few weeks ago]

Hello Family,
I thought I would email you an update of how life in Beaverton is so you don't worry about me.  Things are going well.  I am doing a very good job keeping things in line around here.  Kelly has been on her best behavior.  I stole her teddy bear, Ty, today just to remind her who is boss, but overall, she's a good substitute in your absence.  Leo is going home on Monday and I have mixed feelings about it.  It is nice to have someone who actually has a chance at keeping up with me (Kelly is no where near my speed no matter how hard she tries, bless her heart).  But once he goes home, I'll be able to sleep in longer and Sully will be able to come swim in my pool again.  Swimming is kind of lonely by yourself, not that that stops me from getting in the pool every chance I get.  Kelly changes my water everyday; it gets dirty really fast.  She has caught onto my routine which is good; she's a quick learner.  I wish she would feed me more and let me sleep on her pillow.  Last night, I hopped into bed ready to snuggle  but she didn't really think that was a great idea.  She pushed me off her pillow and was sorta frustrated with me, it couldn't possibly because I was dirty and sitting on her clean pillow case, she overreacted.  I settled for sleeping right next to her head.  She doesn't snore though which is good.  I still love sleeping with you though, Dad! :)

I have been busy these past few days.  On 4th of July (Kelly told me it was the 4th of July because as you know, I have no concept of time or holidays), Peyton came and stayed with us.  We had a sleepover in Kiana's bed!  Kelly was excited to have Mom and Dad's bed all to herself for the night.  Peyton is fun to play with!  She let me crawl all over her.  It was great!  Yesterday, Kelly set up a play date for Sully and I at the park.  It was really hot, we ran out of energy quickly, well actually Sully ran out of energy quickly and then I got bored of running by myself.  The adrenaline rush is gone when you're running from yourself, you can never get away from you!  I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about.  Anyway, today Trooper and his parents stopped by and we played at the park for a little while.  Kelly was grateful to meet another one of my playmates, for some reason she thinks I have too much energy.  I have no idea what she is talking about.

This week Kelly mowed the lawn.  Mom, you are way more graceful than she is.  Holy cow, she struggled.  I decided to help her by putting my toys right in front of the mower so she knew where to mow next.  I also stood in front of her while she was mowing so she knew what areas needs to be remowed, places she didn't do a very good job.  I thought she would be grateful for my help, but she never said thank you.  Rude.  She also cleaned the walls in the kitchen today because I had a great swim yesterday and then ran in the dirt and got mud all over the walls.  Oops.  Don't worry though, I didn't get in trouble and she cleaned it all up!

I think those are my only updates as of right now.  I'll check in again with you in a few days.  I hope you are enjoying your trip in Europe.  Kelly said it's really far away, which was why I couldn't go.  Regardless, it's sunny here now and I have a short attention span so I'm going to go chase the ball around.  Kiana, thank you for the message you send via Kelly.  Ruff, ruff, woof, woof, woof, ruff.

Slobbery kisses!!

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